I don't know how this one escaped me when it first came out with Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman in it but it did until
Netflix suggested it to me as a "movies Matt would like." Let's see if they're right.

Henry Hearst (Gene Hackman) is a big shot attorney in San Juan, Puerto Rico that has reported a dead body of a pre-teen girl that he supposedly found while jobbing. He is asked to come to the police station to tie up some loose ends in the case by Police Captain Victor Benezet (Morgan Freeman). He is told that it should only take ten minutes but one loose end turns into another which leads to more questions that turn into more loose ends. Soon it becomes a game of wits as Captain Benezet tries to catch Hearst in a lie that will give him probable cause to arrest the lawyer. One murder turns into two and then there are other mysterious and unexplained acts that are brought to light. Soon Hearst's much younger wife Chantal (Monica Bellucci) confirms some of the suspicions and brings forward evidence which gives Benezet probable cause to arrest Hearst. Chantal gives the police permission to search the home and further damning evidence is discovered. Hearst is stripped of everything as he is humiliated but is he guilty of these young girls' murders?
Under Suspicion (<----trailer) is a psychological chess match between two men and the circumstances they are both thrown into. It is a who-dun-it or more of a did-he-dun-it? One minute you will think Hearst is guilty and then you will think he is innocent and then you will know he is guilty and innocent. You don't get much better acting than Hackman and Freeman and this didn't disappoint me. I was guessing until the very end and I was sure I was right every time I changed my mind. Did he do it?
I liked this film quite a bit. If you're looking for a lot of action you will be disappointed as most of the movie takes place in the police station. If you are looking for a good movie with a lot of twists and turns and let's you play detective you will like this movie. Hmmmmm I give this movie four stars.
I just received
Dinner Rush in the mail today as was recommended to me by one of you so I will be watching that in the next day or two and will let you know what I think. (insert a catchy movie phrase sign-off here)
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